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Thursday, 8 March 2012

Stress Meditation

Too much stress? You need a simple stress meditation. Of course, learning to meditate might intimidate you, and it's tough to find the time for daily meditation. A solution to both problems is a meditation you can learn right now, that will take a minute to do each day.

An Easy Stress Meditation

When you breath through your mouth, it expands your chest. Breath through your nose and you'll notice how your abdomen extends. Nose-breathing causes the diaphram to pull air to the bottom of your lungs. This delivers a good dose of oxygen into your bloodstream and brain, and it also tends to relax you. Breathing through your nose is healthier, and it's the basis of this one-minute meditation.

Here's how you do it. Close your eyes, sigh, and let the tension go out of your muscles. It may help to tense up your muscles first, then release that tension. Then let go of your thoughts, as much as possible, and take four or five slow, deep breaths through your nose, paying attention to your breathing.

Can Meditation Be This Easy?

The short answer is yes. No, you're not likely to get you into a deep meditative state with this simple stess meditation. However, you will get benefits, including a clearer mind and a reduction in stress.

It helps to develop a "trigger" for your meditation. For example, do your four breaths when you get into the car, or right after lunch each day. These triggers are places or times that remind you, so your meditation becomes a habit.

You can say this isn't "real" meditation, but there's nothing wrong with enjoying the relaxation you'll get from this technique. If you want, you can always pursue deeper meditation later. Meanwhile, remember that not everything has to be difficult to be of value. Why not try this easy one-minute stress meditation?

In Meditation

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Meditate to Unlock Your Hidden Potential - Part 2

You can be the creator of your own manifest destiny. Through daily meditation practice and focus on changing your life for the better. In fact, you have the ability to redefine yourself in any direction you desire. The power that you can cultivate is limited only by your own imagination.

As I have mentioned earlier, this will change the lives of people who you come into frequent contact with. Therefore, you must always be kind, trustworthy, and considerate to others. You should make a change in that direction at this very moment.

Why the sudden need for character improvement? It goes hand-in-hand with using power and influence wisely. Remember Lord Acton's saying: "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." The power of your mind has the ability to alter reality. Therefore, this is a power that must be controlled.

How is this possible? Here is an example: If you had two identical twin boys, who haven't eaten for two days, and you put an apple in front of them; what would they do?

Most likely, they would fight over it, and the winner would eat, most or, all of it. You and I know they should divide it equally, but each of them has really felt starvation, and that is a reality you and I do not feel at the moment. So we are not talking about imagination, but three legitimate points of view, that each becomes our own reality.

Meditation will allow your mind to see multiple points of view, without judgment. If you can see only one point of view, you haven't meditated long enough. The best leaders, negotiators, and diplomats, know that you have to understand the opposing viewpoint, to move forward, on any issue. There is always justification, on both sides, in any conflict, but true compromise is meeting the opposition in a different reality, than you both started from.

If you had the ability to travel in the space shuttle, your view of earth, from within your space vehicle, would be much different from the person living in poverty, within a refugee camp. You could not see, or feel, that person's pain, and each of you would have a vivid picture of life on earth.

You can meditate from a mountain top, but once you have seen the full picture, you have an obligation to help mankind, with acts of kindness. Once you have discovered how easy it is to help others, you are no longer struggling with; "who is right and who is wrong."

Your new reality becomes, "how can I help?"

in Meditation

Tuesday, 14 February 2012



All the activities of an individual are governed by the single most important factor called ... energy.

It is the lack of sufficient energy ... which propels an individual to think and act in weak, haphazard, lethargic, improper and negative ways.

Body Energy Amplification Technology ... is defined as the technology by which we do enhance and maximize the energy quotient of the physical body ... and maintain it at a peak level, at all times, so that individuals will think and act in strong, orderly, dynamic, proper and positive ways.

People in general over-burden, over-tire and exasperates themselves by indulging in various meaningless and pointless activities which are, actually, not at all required!

Energy is always dissipated ... or lost ... because of one's improper physical and mental activities, tendencies and inclinations. However, when one conserves energy and takes the right measures to enhance and sustain it at a high lever ... through recognizing and cultivating proper physical life and mental life patterns, tendencies and inclinations ... then the quality of work done is tremendously bettered.


No animal food!

Animal food is extremely harmful to the human body ; be a strict vegetarian; eat more of fruits and vegetable salads.

Eat only when needed!

Eat only when you are very hungry; Stop eating when you are still a little hungry;
Maintain always a marginal hunger in the body!

No cooked food in the refrigerator!

Take freshly prepared, hot food! Avoid storing cooked foods in the refrigerator!

Masticate well!

Eat leisurely! Don’t be in a hurry! Chew well! Spend more time in mastication!

Food should be tasty!

Whenever you cook, show all the artistry …! Go for the tastiest food! You must enjoy what you eat! For that you have to cook for most refined taste.

Split the food dose!

Total daily requirements of food should be divided into as many split doses as possible.

Eat three to four times a day!


Set aside one full day, once a week …for liquid food only.

Drink water as frequently as possible!

Drink as much water as possible! Water constitutes 65% of the physical body!

Drink water as consciously as possible!

Speak briefly!

Speak only when absolutely necessary! Maintain verbal silence as much as possible!
Speak briefly, and always to the point.

Speak to the point!

Speak always in simple and easily understandable language!

Don’t go for style! Go for clarity! Go for the point!

Speak scientifically!

Speak only with reason and logic! Spiritual science is the most important science to Remember while speaking!

Look straight!

While talking, look straight into the eyes of the other person you are talking to!

don’t Look at unwanted sights!

Look only when you have work to be done! Strictly avoid look at other peoples’ personal affairs! Eighty percent of a person’s energy is wasted in seeing unnecessary activities!

See the Nature!

Learn to look more at the nature around … the trees, the hills, the sky and the clouds!

Nature is pure energy!
Observe the breath!

At the end of the day … when you finally decide to go to sleep … do so … observing your breath consciously!


Learn to go into sleep … in sitting meditation posture!

Six hours of unconscious sleep is equal to one hour of conscious sleep … i.e. … meditation induced sleep.

Split doses!

Daily sleep requirements should be divided into two split doses! Afternoon sleep … siesta … is quite important!
Indulge more and more in conscious breath watching. This is called as Anapanasati.
“Find out what you most want to do ... and then go and do it!” - Richard Bach

Our vocations should be able to sustain us ... fulfill our basic physical needs; they need never cater to our mental greed’s
Emotions should never be suppressed; we should always express ourselves.

Allow others to express their own emotions freely!
Babies and children should be fondly hugged! As much as possible!

Crisping hands in a vigorous fashion is always good!
be fully aware!

“Walk while you are walking … eat while you are eating” … said the Buddha! Be conscious of … even the minutest aspects … of all the work you do!

Remember the reason!

Understand and remember the reason, the logic, and the beauty behind everything in the routine day-to-day life.
Forget the past!

Never indulge in digging the graves! Past is past! Let not the past cast its shadow on the present!

Think only when necessary!

Thinking should be resorted to … only when it is absolutely necessary!


When active thinking is not urgently warranted, relax and indulge in some games / sports / Gardening etc.,



 We are all gods in theory. However, we should become gods in practice. We should practice god-hood in our thoughts, words and deeds.

As we increase our practice of spiritual science and meditation we become more and more experts in our god-hood. As we become more and more experts in our god-hood, our Life-Zest increases.

The basic goal of spirituality is to increase our Life-Zest!

“MEDITATION … the first stage”

Meditation means getting control of the mind, becoming the master of the mind.

In meditation, there are three phases:


ANAPANASATI … means being with the normal, natural, simple, soft, easy and tender breath.  KAYANUPASSANA … is watching, a little, the movements of energy fields … when they are experienced in the body … as a result of practicing Anapanasati.

VIPASSANA … is paying great attention to the third eye experiences as and when the third eye activity begins as a result of Anapanasati practice.

“ENLIGHTENMENT … the second stage”

As we keep to the practice of Anapanasati meditation, we enter into the phase of VIPASSANA and we begin to understand that we are essentially a THIRD EYE! We understand that we are a SOUL! This is called ENLIGHTENMENT!

As we increase our enlightenment, we become more and more the master of the mind, and then we become candidates for right intellect, in the day-to-day physical world.

The first stage of meditation leads to the second stage... that is enlightenment. However, for the enlightenment to become steadfast, two more essential activities are required:


Only a well tamed mind can take up Swadhyaya i.e., reading right books and Satjana Sangatya i.e., interacting with right people.

Without reading right books, and without interacting with right people, enlightenment does not mature!

Enlightenment further means two more things:


We are not here on the earth, for lamenting… whatever be the situation or whatever be the achievement or non-achievement. We are here, forever, to rejoice and celebrate!

Rejoicing is the natural result when we understand that every so called ‘failure’ is nothing but a stepping stone for subsequent success!

Every regret is a fresh blunder! We may commit mistakes … mistakes are natural … but we should not indulge in prolonged regrets.

Secondly, every moment should be utilized creatively and productively!

“AWARENESS … the third stage”

Only enlightened people are perfectly aware in any given moment and in any given situation!

Awareness means to come back to the ‘here’ and ‘now’ …from the ‘there’ and ‘then’!
In the acquisition of awareness, intense companionship with the MASTERS becomes crucial.

A MASTER is a paragon of awareness!

Awareness has two essential aspects:


AWARENESS means dedicating oneself totally to the work on hand, at any given moment.

AWARENESS means being totally alive in the given current situation.

AWARENESS means flowing happily with the natural emotions in the great ‘here’ and ‘now’.

AWARENESS also means living in the concept of eternity. There is PAST. There is PRESENT.

And there is FUTURE. However, these are not distinct and separate blocks but one continuous existence!

Wise-living demands that we take into consideration the immediate past and the immediate future... for fathoming the most appropriate present action or present reaction.
Wise-living also demands that we take into consideration the ETERNITY OF PAST and the ETERNITY OF FUTURE... for fathoming the most appropriate present action or prefect reaction.

“LIFE–ZEST … the final stage”

The end result of meditation is enlightenment. The end result of enlightenment is awareness.
And the end result of awareness of LIFE-ZEST!

Now, every given moment is enjoyed! Now, every given situation is savored! Now, life becomes absolutely dynamic! Now, life becomes absolutely miraculous!

Now, every thought acquires power! No sooner a thought is created … it manifests without any distortions!

Now, every word becomes dynamite! Now, every action becomes a piece of art and grace!
Now, life has become a continuous celebration! ‘LIFE-ZEST’ has two essential aspects:


MORE LIFE-ZEST means more compassion … that is more and more giving! Continuous giving becomes a natural habit!

MORE LIFE-ZEST also means more and more accepting everything! Continuous acceptance becomes a natural habit!

There is a graceful giving and a graceful taking … all the time, in all the situations.
A dynamic and vibrant life is one wherein the amount of ‘gives’ and ‘takes’ is very high!

“The physical body is an energy ball. The Mind is the source of energy for this Energy ball…called as the ‘physical body’! ”

“No doctor can help us! No hospital can help us! No drug can help us! Only meditation will help us! Only vegetarianism will help us! ”


“We have to be happy ‘today’! We need ‘Today’s Meditation’ to be happy today! We need ‘Today’s Meditation’ to conduct today’s business properly! We need ‘Today’s Meditation’ to be able to tackle today’s problems successfully!”


Healing of All Diseases is Immediate

Memory Power becomes Increased

Wasteful Habits Die a Natural Death

Mind Always Stays in a Peaceful and Joyful State

Every Work Gets Done with Greater Efficiency

Sleep-time Requirements get Reduced

Relationships become More Qualitative and Fulfilling

Thought Power is Tremendously Increased

Ability to Discern Rights and Wrongs is sharpened

Purpose of Life is Better Understood


All physical afflictions are because of mental worries. All mental worries are because of intellectual immaturity. Intellectual immaturity is because of lack of spiritual energy and lack of spiritual wisdom.

Through meditation, when we get abundant spiritual energy and spiritual wisdom, the intellect becomes mature. By and by, all mental worries cease. Consequently, all physical afflictions disappear. Meditation is the only way to heal all diseases.

Diseases are primarily because of previous negative karma. Until and unless the negative karma is neutralized, the disease will not vanish; no medicine will be of any help to clear the negative karma.


The abundant spiritual energy gained in meditation helps the brain to work more efficiently and to its maximum capacity. Meditation enhances memory power tremendously.

Therefore, meditation is absolutely compulsory for all students...both at the school level and at the university level.


There are several wasteful habits like over-eating, over-sleeping, over-talking, over-thinking, over-drinking etc., etc. With the abundant spiritual wisdom and spiritual energy obtained from meditation, all the wasteful habits die naturally.


Life is so full of defeats, insults and pains... for any person. However, for a person with spiritual knowledge and spiritual energy, life is always peaceful and joyful... in spite of all the defeats, insults and pains.


In the presence of abundant spiritual energy and spiritual wisdom, all work, be it physical or mental, gets done with greater efficiency.

In less time, more work is achieved. With least resources, commendable work gets done.


Abundant spiritual energy is obtained in meditation. Only a fraction of that energy is obtained during sleep. Half-an-hour of deep meditation is equivalent to six hours of deep sleep... in terms of rest for the body and energy for the mind.


Lack of spiritual wisdom is the only reason why inter-personal relationships are so very unqualitative and unfulfilling. In the presence of spiritual wisdom all inter-personal relationships become highly qualitative and totally fulfilling.


Thoughts need power to reach their targets. In a restless state of mind, thoughts are produced with least power. Therefore, they don’t reach their respective targets.
However, in the presence of a restful state of mind, thoughts acquire great power and all intents get dramatically actualized.


“What to do?”, “What not to do?”
These are always million dollar questions!
“What is right?”, “What is wrong?”
We are in a perpetual dilemma!

However, such dilemmas are only for the spiritually immature persons. For a spiritually mature person there are no million dollar questions whatsoever! For a spiritually mature person there are no dilemmas!


We are all born with a purpose, with a mission, with a design, with a plan. Only the spiritually mature can understand and be aware of their particular purpose, mission, design and plan in their lives.

A group meditation session in North India

“Diseases are primarily because of prior negative karma. Until and unless the negative karma is neutralized, the disease will not vanish. No medicine will be of any help. Materials cannot clear negative karma. It is impossible. Only learned lessons can clear negative karma”


The pyramid is a solid structure with four triangular sloping sides resting on a square base... and the four apices joining at a point forming the apex of the pyramid. Each triangular sloping face is an isosceles triangle, with the two sloping sides being equal and the base angle equal. The lengths of the equal sides are all equal and all are similar to each other and of equal area.
“The fact that a geometric design collects and radiates energy was known to Ancient Egyptians, more than 10,000 years ago. They utilized the concept when they built their pyramids. The pyramids are storehouses of energy drawn from the universe. The Power of the Pyramid was obtained through a blending of the radiated cosmic energy with that of the gravitational force of earth. “

“Scholars are aware that The Great Pyramid at Gizeh was built as a place and as an instrument of initiation into altered and higher states of consciousness... through the mechanism of conscious out-of-body experiences.”

Pyramid Meditation

Meditation done inside a pyramid, or underneath a pyramid, is called as Pyramid Meditation. Many people experience feelings ranging from calmness to extreme euphoria

The Mega Maitreya-Buddha Pyramid in Bangalore, during their meditation sessions inside the pyramids.  Meditation done inside a Pyramid is thrice more powerful!

Most people, who have experimented with Pyramid Meditation, describe themselves as experiencing a total relaxation of their body, followed by the shutting out of unnecessary external stimuli and irrelevant thoughts and finally achieving an altered state of consciousness which allows them to concentrate on deeper inner levels.

Pyramids provide most effective high-energy environments for beginners of meditation. Pyramids help to reduce the level of stress and tension in the physical body

Pyramid Powers

Several experiments conducted in man-made pyramids have revealed generalized pyramid powers. These can be broadly classified as:

Out-of-body Experiences

Preservation: Pyramid energy preserves fruit, milk and other perishables ; taste of coffee, wine, fruit juices, etc., is improved ; used razors, knives get sharpened ; acts as a room freshener, foul smells disappear.

Healing: Wounds, boils and bruises heal quicker; reduces over-weight and increases resistance to diseases; gives relief to and cures asthma, toothaches, migraine, common cold, high B.P., arthritis, palpitation of heart, epilepsy, insomnia etc. Drinking pyramid energized water cures conjunctivitis, other eye problems; helps digestion; gives the skin a healthy and youthful glow.

Out-of-body Experiences: Out-of-body experiences are much easier if done inside a
pyramid. Dreams become clearer and they take the quality of normal working state.

Pyramid Construction 

Pyramids can be made of any material! For every one foot of height, the corresponding sides would be 1.4945 feet and the base 1.5708 feet.  Side is measured from the corner to the Apex, and height is the vertical height from the apex to the base, i.e. perpendicular from the apex to the base.

When the sides of the pyramids are in place, they will be forming an angle of 52 degrees 51 minutes to the base, a miniature replica of the Great Pyramid.  The pyramid must be aligned to the four cardinal points i.e., North, East, South and West.

 “In this stillness of mind, our inner senses get activated and begin to throw light on aspects of our personal invisible greater reality, and the impersonal cosmic reality."



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